Blocky bits link to chunky chunks. Several historians say Corocotta was a Cantabrian warrior leader during the 1st century BC. His great achievement was the union of the dispersed Cantabri clans in an alliance against the invading Roman armies, to the great exasperation of the powerful empire. He fought against Rome from 29 BC to 19 BC. The Roman historian Dio Cassius relates the story of this robber who caused numerous difficulties for the Roman Army. Such was his fame that during the campaign of Emperor Augustus in Cantabria from 26-25 BC, a price of 200,000 sestercii was put on his head. To the emperor's astonishment, none other thanCorocotta himself walked into the Roman camp, presenting himself and demanding the reward. In a gesture to Corocotta's bravery, Augustus let him go after granting him the money. The Corocotta Table comes in either light or dark-stained teak wood. The cubes are reclaimed from end cuts of standard furniture production. They are sculpted and threaded through a steel armature, creating the rigidity to allow for a floating top. Tempered glass completes the finish. Dimensions are 44x34x15"h